Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Social Responsibility Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example This paper illustrates that there are three CSR theories, which are interdisciplinary; utilitarian, relational, and managerial theories. Utilitarian theories emphasize on a maximization of profit, hence related to theories of competitive advantage. The managerial theory, on the other hand, has the CSR approached internally; meaning that anything exterior to the business is taken into account for the firm’s decision-making. The Relational theory has to do with the complex firm-environment relationships. The implication here is that the firm-environment relationships form the focus of the CRS analysis. In the CRS, business in society comes up as a matter of interplay between the two. Thus, the relational theory is value-based and interdependent between the corporation and mankind. CSR is important to both the agency and the consumers in a number of ways: for companies, it helps them create a better public image since their public image is at the mercy of their social responsibil ity strategies and how their customers are mindful of them. According to Cone Communications, 90% of the consumers would avoid doing business with corporations if there were no social responsibility plan. Studies indicate that firms heavily involved in funds and goods donation to Non-governmental and other non-profit making organizations and schools are likely to increase the likelihood of consumers buying their products. At the same time, a corporation that takes care to ensure that the primal matter used in its products are environmentally secure and the manufacturing process is sustainable is more eye-catching to the society.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Perfect Copy (Unraveling the Cloning Debate) by Nicholas Agar Essay Example for Free

The Perfect Copy (Unraveling the Cloning Debate) by Nicholas Agar Essay Nicholas Agar is a professor of ethics and a senior lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). Agar has an MA from VUW and a PhD from the Australian National University. He has been teaching at VUW since 1996. He has been known as an expert writer particularly in the field of genetics and ethics. In his book The Perfect Copy: Unraveling The Cloning Debate, he attempts to unravels the science and the ethics of cloning and proposes ideas on how we should face this highly controversial topic.   To clone or not to clone, that is the question that is in the center of one of the most controversial debates within the scientific community today. The present technology today has given our imagination an opportunity to deal with the perils and possibilities of cloning. Even Hollywood has ridden the cloning bandwagon and has turned out many films which exploit the topic.   Although these films are a departure to what is possible, they still manage to pique our imagination and implant in us false notions and promises. These past few years, with the advances made in regards to cloning, the ethics of this act has become a great issue. Both sides present valid reasons to defend their claim. The debate over the morality of cloning human beings becomes a debate over contrasting images of cloning. The method of moral consistency may not give us a simple permitted or not permitted answer. The reason is that no single familiar practice will resemble cloning in every morally interesting respect. In all likelihood, we will end up constructing a moral image of cloning out of a variety of familiar activities and practices. It is often pointed out that cloning differs from the natural sexual way of having children. Some say that this unnaturalness alone suffices to make cloning wrong. A solid rebuttal to this is that things deemed unnatural but have received no objection like insulin shots, airplanes, and life saving medicine are a integral part of mainstream society. If you would follow the unnatural proposal, these things must also be unallowed. The main concern in ethics is the unease which people have regarding cloning. This instinctive revulsion is said to be due to ingrained wisdom or to an upset stomache. Agar argues that if this was the basis to oppose cloning, then it is very unscientific and flimsy. Moral progress is all about subjecting sub-rational moral urges and aversions to rational scrutiny. The word clone obtains it etymological origin from the greek word klon meaning branch. Clones are copies of organisms currently or previously existing with the exact same nuclear DNA. They do not result from a sexually beginning and thus are not genetically different from their parent organism. In our world, clones are the rule rather than the exception. Most low level organisms like algae, bacteria, lower vertebrates, and plants use cloning as a means to ensure their reproductive survival. The case of twins is a clear example of cloning which occurs in nature, even among human beings. Twins come from one egg that divides into two. There is cloning from the moment when multiplication begins to produce two genetically identical children. Cloning ensures that the exact genetic code of the parent is passed on as opposed to sex where only half of each parent is transmitted. This makes cloning more efficient in ensuring the survival of a genetically fit species. One technology that has been used to create clones is reproductive cloning. An example of this is Dolly, the first ever cloned sheep. Dolly was cloned using the process called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).   A reconstructed egg which derives its genetic material from an adult donor is electrified or treated chemically. The resulting cloned embryo is then implanted unto the uterus of a female host. It is relevant to point out that clones produced by using nuclear transfer technology are not a truly identical clone of the parent animal. This is because nuclear DNA composes only 99.7% of the actual heritable data. The rest are found in genes located in the mitochondria. There are numerous barriers in cloning humans. Aside from the legal and social issues still currently being debated, cloning with today’s technology is also very inefficient and dangerous. Cloning technology today is highly expensive. Also the success rate is dismal with only less than 10% of cloning attempts achieving success. Also, clones have relatively poor health, and are susceptible to diseases, tumors and other illnesses. And clones like the first cloned sheep of Australia have been known to die without known cause. Scientist theorize that these defects are due to errors in the reprogramming process. However there has been several claims by Clonaid and Italian scientists led by Antinori that they are either capable or on the verge of creating human clones. A problem arises in a cloned embryo due to imprinting. It is the marking of the genetic material for the mother and the father so that only one can be utilized. An error in the genetic imprint from a single donor cell may cause some of the developmental abnormalities of cloned embryos. Also it is postulated that clones are unhealthy due to the fact that they have short telomeres. Telomeres act as clocks, directly affecting the cell structure of an organism before they pass away. Due to the process clones have short telomeres, making them sickly and frail. Cloning is deemed wrong for many reasons. First the process results in the death of many embryos, which may constitute murder.   Also cloning is seen as unnatural when they are view in concepts that are taboo to society, like having clones of the dead, the unborn and the dying. This problem comes from an individual’s sense of uniqueness. This can be repudiated by the cases of identical twins. Twins may have identical genetic components but they turn out to be different individuals. Moralists have also a problem that cloning gives us a concept of playing God. Bringing back a dead person or ensuring that a baby will be born as well as extending the life of a dying person is seen to be in the realm of the Almighty. The promise of being able to create an exact replica of a given genetic code has given many opportunities for those incapable of having children. Of primary concern are those who are infertile. Cloning as with artificial insemination and other in vitro techniques provide a way for their aim of having children to come true. Another is the families of those with deceased or dying children. They view cloning as a means to once more experience the love of their child. Also, lesbian couples who wish to have a child look on cloning to fulfill their dream. But it must be noted that were the technology realizable and actual human clones producible, cloning can only go so far. The debate of whether a cloned person still has the same trait and behavior as the original leans in favor of no.   It is vital to note that it is not only the genetic code that forms the person’s identity but that person’s experiences, teachers and influences. The issue regarding human clones is that they are born with a genetic bias of who they are, denying them the open future that is a right to every human being. They may be treated as objects rather than as persons. This underlies the discussion o whether the act is that of making rather that begetting. The problem is will being cloned from the somatic cell of an existing person result in the child being regarded as less of a person whose humanity and dignity would not be fully respected. This points us to the dilemma as to the humanity of clones. And the question is clones less human than we? Are clones of us us in every way, or are they new individuals? One reason to clone humans is for research. The process of therapeutic cloning uses cloned human embryos for research. cloned human beings are not the target of this process but the production of stem cells for research. Any specialized cell in the human body can be derived from stem cells. Stem cells come from five day old eggs..   This act destroys the embryo, raising ethical concerns. Therapeutic cloning has been touted as being able to produce human organs for transplants. Scientists say that for this to be possible, DNA would be obtained from the transplant recipient and injected into a enucleated egg. Stem cells can then be gathered from the egg. These can then be used as a template to produce the specific tissue or organ needed which would be an exact genetic match to the transplant recipient. Because of this fact, it is postulated that the organ will not be rejected by the body during transplant. Another use of therapeutic cloning is the creation of genetically modified pigs which can also be utilized as a source of human organs. The process of xenotranspalntation or the transplanting of animal organs into humans is seen as a medically viable way to accommodate the increasing demand for organs. Pigs are used due to their high rate of reproduction and their being able to be cloned with relative ease. Primates, who are of a much closer genetic match to humans, are more complex and thus much harder to clone. In comparison to other animals, the tissues and organs of pigs are the ones more similar to humans. To be able to achieve this, scientists deactivate the gene in individual pig cells that when detected by the human body, leads to organ rejection. Harvesting of the organs of the resulting clones is then done. Cloning has been seen as an advance in eugenics. Eugenics is the act of manipulating a population to promote one race or type as superior to others with the end goal of ultimately taking over the population. The idea is that people who are exceptional, who are deemed superior to others in one or many fields, must be cloned since they represent the best of the human race. This idea has many ambiguities particularly on the concept of superior and inferior. Although there were some unlikely ideas in the book, like trading gene samples as a commodity, Agar fails to fully express the debate in this topic. What he does show is that eugenics, by using positive methods would be beneficial to the race. And he also shows the impact of being a clone born under a eugenic driven ideal. There are different cases and different problems with cloning as a reproductive tool. Striking the right balance between procreative freedom and childrens welfare in the age of reproductive cloning is likely to require a case-by-case approach. Nevertheless, the transcendental advantage of cloning will be brought about not for simple transplants in mans body to replace his sick organs, but for the complete cloning of the human being to eventually achieve the immortality of the individual. Man will no longer change the parts of a body damaged to a greater or less degree, but he will leave the old body and change to a new one, which will be also improved by genetic engineering. Thus, the long-sought-after immortality, which man has always desired with all his being, will be achieved. It has been repeated insistently that the human being has a right to life. To ban cloning, then, would be to deny him the right to continue living. If clones were to be feasible, they would probably suffer. This can be brought upon by errors in their production leading to medical illnesses or to the preconceived notions that surround them. It is stipulated by Agar that the human race may not be ready to incorporate the idea of clones living among us. We simply have too many fears and false notions that inevitably we would end up stigmatizing them. Agar proposes that we get rid of these notions and keep an open and intelligent mind as to what cloning can offer us. We must learn as a society to separate fact from fiction and to rationalize our views about cloning.    References: Alan Man Humanity and the Cloning Question: Comparing and Contrasting Arguments searched October 21 at using What Are Some Issues In Cloning? searched at CloningFactSheet searched October 22 using

Saturday, October 26, 2019

College Admissions Essay: A Person is Nothing Without Dreams :: College Admissions Essays

A Person is Nothing Without Dreams    My inspiration to succeed has always come from within. As a child, I had the vision of becoming a star and a role model for the next generation. I applied to Harvard because I believe it will help me fulfill those dreams. I am a person who is driven to achieve, and help others. The adversity of living in a small town, the frustration of being different, of looking to rise above and realize my own autonomy has helped me grow. The next step in my growth is Harvard. I am also a person who has a strong connection to beauty and art. I have been able to surmount any and all tribulations, and use music as my outlet. Music for me is the manifestation of one's own expression beyond words. Music is something that has always helped me go beyond the status quo and realize who I am and who I want to be. Music is knowledge, which will lead me to my own meaning of life. With the help of college, experience, and my own expression I hope to gain knowledge and wisdom. College is a process (among many others), which directs me to my next move in life. It is a step that I am obliged to take to gain a wider horizon of this world. One day I hope to apply all that I have learned to reach my goals and help others. A person is nothing without dreams. I live every day with this constant reminder written on a post-it note hidden in my wallet. It reminds me that I have a long way to go in life. I am still small and insignificant in many ways and have not yet broken free from my cocoon.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free Narrative Essays - Making Plans :: Personal Narrative Essays

Making Plans It was a gorgeous summer morning as I, my brother David, sister Marcia, mom, dad, and baby girl were traveling home to Laramie from Colorado Springs where we had gone to visit my grandma. The atmosphere in the car was fun and filled with laughter. We were glad to be together. Our chatter was constant and our conversations often overlapped. One learned young that if you want to be heard in my family, you must merely speak louder than everyone else. Or, you might simply say, "Would you please shut up for a minute so I can say something important?" We all understood that such a plain and politely spoken command was not meant to be offensive or at all disrespectful. We were a bit louder than usual that morning as we had great plans for the day. Since we had to travel through Denver, we all agreed that we should eat at a nice restaurant and then go to the zoo where we could eat some more and see the animals then probably eat some more. Daddy was a bit tense and growly, his usual demeanor when traffic was thick as it was on that Friday morning. "Everyone and their Grandma is on this one road to Denver," he grumbled. My Daddy is claustrophobic. He hates traffic which is the main reason I think we moved long ago to Wyoming, the land of wide-open spaces. "You can drive more than a hundred miles on a Wyoming highway without seeing another car," Daddy would often brag. That was not the case, however, in Colorado. The cars were lined up one after another, traveling 75 miles per hour, to the horizon and beyond. We passengers paid scant attention to the outside world as we were involved in a thought-provoking discussion regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the highly educational hit movie of the summer, Independence Day. The movie answered the question: Are we alone in the Universe? with a loud no when aliens arrived and began demolishing major cities all over the world. We all gazed out the windshield as we laughed at my sister's comment about the president in the film: "He was so broken up over the

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Punctuality Speech Essay

Before I give out my speech, I want to ask all of you a question. How many of you have never been late? Odds are none of you! This is because in our nature we see punctuality as flexible. In my speech I’m going to talk about whether punctuality is an important matter in our daily lives or not. Firstly, what is punctuality? Well†¦ punctuality is the act of being on time and being able to do a task in the required time. Picture the situation: imagine yourself sitting in a court waiting for your lawyer to arrive. He arrives late and due to their lack of punctuality you are left without a lawyer. The court session begins and you are being grilled by the opposing attorney and in the end you lose the case and the judge gives you a harsh sentence. And to think, all of this is because of your lawyer’s lack of punctuality. A punctual person is appreciated because he is aware that time is precious. â€Å"Time and tide wait for no man†, how true is it!? If a person is unpunctual, it shows that either the person is unprofessional or that he has no value for the other person’s time. This spreads to his reputation also. A punctual person is valued and respected. Remember, it is the difference of only a few seconds in catching a train or missing it! Therefore to catch the train of life always be on time. Punctuality is not strictly a matter of one’s busyness; the busiest people are often the most punctual, while those with the least to do sometimes struggle the most with being on time. For instance, when you are set to go to a meeting and you know that you have quite some time ahead of you before the meeting, you end up taking more time to get ready and inadvertently end up arriving late. Being punctual strengthens and reveals your integrity. If you tell someone that you will meet them at a certain time, you have essentially made them a promise. And if you say you’ll be there at 8:00, and yet arrive at 8:15, you have essentially broken that promise. Being on time shows others that you are a man of your word. Being punctual shows you are dependable. If a man is punctual know they can rely on such a man – if he says he will be there, he’ll be there. But if a man is not punctual, others cannot depend on him- they don’t know where he will be when they need him.  His associates will begin to feel he cannot organize his own time and will raise the question â€Å"if he is careless about time, what else is he careless about?† Being late is a form of steeling. That’s a tough truth, but it’s a truth nonetheless. When you make others wait for you, you rob minutes from them that they’ll never get back. Time they could’ve turned into money, or simply used for something else. In coming to meet you at the agreed time, they may have made sacrifices- woken up early, cut short their workout – and your lateness negates those sacrifices. If you wouldn’t think of taking ten dollars from another man’s wallet, you shouldn’t think of stealing ten minutes from him either. Last but not least, being punctual builds your self-confidence. Showing up on time not only tell other people you are dependable, it teaches you that you can depend on yourself. In my opinion, Punctuality should be a priority and should not be lessened. When you are always on time, you keep the promises you make and in this way the more your self-confidence will grow, and the more in control of your life you will be.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on OJT

In order for companies to keep an edge and stay ahead of competition, they have to increase their flexibility, use advanced technologies, and most of all, continue to strive for improved responsiveness to their customers’ needs. Successes in these areas are critical and can be as simple as having an effective and efficient on-the-job training (OJT) program. OJT refers to an employee responsible to learn a job by actually doing it (Dressler, 2003). There are numerous ways that OJT can be delivered, but traditionally it has been by supervisors or front-line managers. In today’s society there is a need for specific trainers, and selecting those trainers is as crucial as hiring the right person for the job. Some organizations are even seeing the need to have those trainers certified and held accountable to identifiable standards (Walter, 1998). There are clear-cut advantages to certifying a trainer that include the assurance of standardization and consistency of training. They also guarantee that the trainer will possess up-to-date knowledge and skills of the tasks that need to be performed. On-the-job trainers may be selected in a variety of different ways. Supervisors or peer groups could nominate colleagues or co-workers that they think are capable of being a good trainer. The employer might appoint the person. Employees may volunteer for the position. After the selection process has occurred, nominees or volunteers who were chosen might be interviewed by a committee of human resource professionals and managers who would explain the responsibilities of OJT (Walter, 1998). Another option would be to give the selected individual a test to identify if they have the right skill-sets for the position. The ultimate goal for the person selecting the trainer needs to be aware of the following traits for the candidate:  ¨ Technical experience  ¨ Job-task knowledge  ¨ Interpersonal skills  ¨ Attitude  ¨ Listening ... Free Essays on OJT Free Essays on OJT In order for companies to keep an edge and stay ahead of competition, they have to increase their flexibility, use advanced technologies, and most of all, continue to strive for improved responsiveness to their customers’ needs. Successes in these areas are critical and can be as simple as having an effective and efficient on-the-job training (OJT) program. OJT refers to an employee responsible to learn a job by actually doing it (Dressler, 2003). There are numerous ways that OJT can be delivered, but traditionally it has been by supervisors or front-line managers. In today’s society there is a need for specific trainers, and selecting those trainers is as crucial as hiring the right person for the job. Some organizations are even seeing the need to have those trainers certified and held accountable to identifiable standards (Walter, 1998). There are clear-cut advantages to certifying a trainer that include the assurance of standardization and consistency of training. They also guarantee that the trainer will possess up-to-date knowledge and skills of the tasks that need to be performed. On-the-job trainers may be selected in a variety of different ways. Supervisors or peer groups could nominate colleagues or co-workers that they think are capable of being a good trainer. The employer might appoint the person. Employees may volunteer for the position. After the selection process has occurred, nominees or volunteers who were chosen might be interviewed by a committee of human resource professionals and managers who would explain the responsibilities of OJT (Walter, 1998). Another option would be to give the selected individual a test to identify if they have the right skill-sets for the position. The ultimate goal for the person selecting the trainer needs to be aware of the following traits for the candidate:  ¨ Technical experience  ¨ Job-task knowledge  ¨ Interpersonal skills  ¨ Attitude  ¨ Listening ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom Arguments for Marijuana Legalization essay

buy custom Arguments for Marijuana Legalization essay Freedom The most primary and first reason as to why marijuana should be legalized is that each individual has the right to choose for themselves. From a philosophical perspective, people have the right to choice. The authorities have the right to regulate these choices only if the action of an individual endangers another person. Marijuana use is at the free will of a person and therefore restricting marijuana use is invading the right to choice. In addition, the authorities also have the right to restrict a person if his/her actions pose a considerable threat to that him/herself. However, this argument does not apply to marijuana use as it is far less hazardous as compared to other drugs which are legal such as tobacco and alcohol (Parloff 50). In addition, legalization will promote religious freedom. Similar to how Judaists and Christians use wine on some occasions, Rastafarians, Buddhists, and Hindus use marijuana on some occasions as part of religious and spiritual ceremonies. Legalization will therefore allow these religions to practice their ceremonies freely; this is conformance with the amendment that allows free exercise of religion in the American constitution. High cost of illegalizing marijuana use If marijuana was legalized, it would save the government a lot of effort and resources used in fighting marijuana. Considerable effort and resources are used in the prohibition of cultivation and use of the drug. For instance, thermal imaging devices are used to identify hot lighting, and examination of waste matter and trash. In addition, governments usually analyze purchases made with credit cards in attempting to trace purchases of hydroponic devices, and also examination of energy bills so as to identify usage trends of growers of marijuana. In America, states spend billions of dollars at all levels in their war on drugs. This money is spent in prosecuting individuals who are imprisoned, and the tax payers have to pay for their court costs, attorney fees, healthcare, housing, and food. These costs could save the governments a lot of money (Klein 3) Revenue from taxing marijuana The legalization of marijuana can yield a lot of revenue in terms of tax. The government will generate a lot of revenue which can be directed into more important causes. It is approximated that the cultivation of marijuana in California has the potential of yielding about $1.4 billion in taxes in this state alone. Additionally, this would have a positive economic impact as it would generate many jobs in advertising, marketing, packaging, and agriculture (Gieringer 46). Medicinal use of marijuana Marijuana has numerous medical benefits; importantly it is used by patients who are undergoing chemotherapy to alleviate pain and relieve nausea. It is also used by patients suffering from depression. Marijuana is also used to increase appetite for patients with AIDS. The failure of prohibition The prohibition of marijuana has failed because it does not in any way help a country; in fact it causes many problems. There has been no conclusive evidence to show that the ban on marijuana decreases its use, theories have even suggested that prohibition can even increase the use of marijuana. In spite of the efforts and resources used in prohibition, marijuana is becoming more potent, cheaper, and accessible. In American high schools, the drug is becoming very popular because it is readily available. Being illegal, it is even easier for students to get marijuana as opposed to getting alcohol, as alcohol is legal and this means that it is regulated for such students. An effective approach to reduce the consumption of drugs would be to concentrate on honest and open programs (Armentano, Tvert and Fox 196) Buy custom Arguments for Marijuana Legalization essay

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Technology And Cars

In a world that is always changing, the vehicle is changing right along with it. Advances like four-wheel drive, safety, and personal amenities have gone from nothing to everything. These technological advances have not just happened overnight. It took many years of trial and error to figure out exactly what the customer wants. Four-wheel drive was probably the first major advance in vehicles. Before where vehicles would bog down and could only be pulled out, when stuck, now could be locked into four-wheel drive and possibly eased out of the situation without being pulled. The first vehicle that used four-wheel drive had locking hubs. Locking hubs had to be manually turned on, this involved the driver having to get out and turn the hubs to the locked position on the front two wheels. With technological advances this chore is now automatic in most cases. Some vehicles still have the manual hubs. It is as easy as pushing a button in today’s four-wheel drives to get the performance that was once a sometimes difficult task. One of the most important aspects of a vehicle today is the safety features. Seatbelts, airbags, reinforced frames, safety glass, and automatic gasoline shutoff valves are just a few of the many features that technology has brought to the vehicle. All of these features are key elements to the overall safety of the vehicle. One of these features that I find the most interesting is the automatic gasoline shut off valve. In the case of a accident, if the vehicle is damaged enough the gas will be shut off from the engine. This feature prevents gas from continuing to pump into the engine and in most cases prevents gas from leaking onto the ground. The combination of keeping extra gas out can prevent an explosion. The first vehicle consisted of a, somewhat, seat, steering wheel, and four tires. This was the only way you could get the vehicle and in only one color. Today advances in technology have made... Free Essays on Technology And Cars Free Essays on Technology And Cars In a world that is always changing, the vehicle is changing right along with it. Advances like four-wheel drive, safety, and personal amenities have gone from nothing to everything. These technological advances have not just happened overnight. It took many years of trial and error to figure out exactly what the customer wants. Four-wheel drive was probably the first major advance in vehicles. Before where vehicles would bog down and could only be pulled out, when stuck, now could be locked into four-wheel drive and possibly eased out of the situation without being pulled. The first vehicle that used four-wheel drive had locking hubs. Locking hubs had to be manually turned on, this involved the driver having to get out and turn the hubs to the locked position on the front two wheels. With technological advances this chore is now automatic in most cases. Some vehicles still have the manual hubs. It is as easy as pushing a button in today’s four-wheel drives to get the performance that was once a sometimes difficult task. One of the most important aspects of a vehicle today is the safety features. Seatbelts, airbags, reinforced frames, safety glass, and automatic gasoline shutoff valves are just a few of the many features that technology has brought to the vehicle. All of these features are key elements to the overall safety of the vehicle. One of these features that I find the most interesting is the automatic gasoline shut off valve. In the case of a accident, if the vehicle is damaged enough the gas will be shut off from the engine. This feature prevents gas from continuing to pump into the engine and in most cases prevents gas from leaking onto the ground. The combination of keeping extra gas out can prevent an explosion. The first vehicle consisted of a, somewhat, seat, steering wheel, and four tires. This was the only way you could get the vehicle and in only one color. Today advances in technology have made...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Argumentative paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Argumentative paper - Essay Example The taking constitutes significant facts that include losing at the very least $10, 000 when he was not permitted to fulfill his obligation to Ford during the Chief/Bronco game. The rule promulgated by FAA is unconstitutional for businesses, such as that of Ben is not illegal nor does it mislead the people. The purpose of the law is vague and the rationale behind it finds no balance to the nonexistence of impending danger as unreasonably feared by these government offices. The business of advertising through aircrafts has little to no possibility of having any relation to the goal of fighting terrorism or preventing its effects. People such as Ben are unduly deprived of their commerce because of such muddled policies. The First Amendment is inclusive of its protection of Commercial speech and this must be given weight in the case at hand. Under the Central Hudson Test, as promulgated by the Supreme Court in the case of Central Hudson Gas & Electric v Public Service Commission,  "Commercial speech will be protected by the First Amendment if it is a lawful activity and not misleading, there is a qualified government interest, that such interest is substantial and parallel to the regulation and finally, that the regulation is legitimately laid down. This leads to the conclusion that the business of Ben must be protected based on the given requisites.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Knowledge Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Knowledge Management - Essay Example This has led to the focus on informal social processes that make tacit knowledge explicit. The corporate environment emphasizes the need to leverage their knowledge base to gain competitive advantage (Carter & Scarbrough, 2001). This has led to the packaging and commoditization of knowledge management programmes. Knowledge cannot be the exclusive property of the individuals or the groups. The concept of KM is a response to the needs of the organizations to intensify the creation and exploitation of knowledge. Tacit knowledge is embedded in narratives and is articulated in the stories that circulate in organizations. Through story telling the tacit dimension of knowledge becomes easily visible. This paper will describe the process of story telling and narratives through examples. Story has been defined as ‘ante’ to narrative; it is ‘ante-narrative’. A narrative is something that is narrated or a story (Bhardwaj & Monin, 2006). While story is an account of incidents or events, narrative comes after and makes the story coherent. Since story comes before the narrative it is known as ante-narrative and narrative is post-story. In the organizational context, story has been defined as the written and spoken experiences of the employees in the social, psychological and cultural context in which the organization operates. Narrative and story telling are human endeavors to make sense of a complicated reality. Stories are a means of connecting events and deciding what is important. Several people may observe the same public event and come away with different perceptions as human beings have the capacity to alter and direct their perceptions (Sax, 2006a). Stories were developed as a means to deal with â€Å"information overload†. It is sued by human beings to organize and process their experiences. Storytelling has a sensuality that places it close to experience. Stories evoke sights, smells and sound which philosophies and precepts do not. The term

Healthcare systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Healthcare systems - Assignment Example In the United States, there are bodies that have been put in place to manage information about the health care providers. These bodies are the NPDB and the HIPDB. The NPDB is a federal data bank in the United States that was created to serve as a store for information about health care providers in the United States. The Medicare and Medicaid Patient and program Protection Act of 1987 led to the development of NPDB. This aimed at protecting the beneficiaries of health care from unfit health care practitioners. The NPDB not only not keep information about adverse professional society actions against physicians and dentists quality of care but also tracks all payment made that are not in accordance to the health care ethics. The other data bank in the United States is the HIPDB. This data bank was established by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.It was purposely created to fight fraud and abuse in health insurance and health care delivery to the people. HIPDB contains information about actions by the licensing agencies against provision, supply and delivery of health care. The two data banks are different in that while NPDB contains information about professional conduct and competence in health care delivery, HIPDB contains information about judgments made against health care providers. In the health care sector there may arise issues about funds. Decisions on who to pay, for what to pay, and how much to pay create risk and incentives which in turn affect the type of and amount of health care service offered. This necessitates the coming in of payment systems which play an important role in the health sector. Different payment methods can lead to different outcomes. The criteria used in payment and reimbursement are critical to determine the diverse outcomes. However, hospitals can decide to use the per

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Defining my Leadership Direction (Three leadership goals) Essay

Defining my Leadership Direction (Three leadership goals) - Essay Example My perspective as a leader borrows from my short stints of work experience, and has intellect from emerging topics such how to cope with emotional intelligence, to lead virtual teams, and even open up innovations. That is the leader I see myself as informed through Daft in his leadership experience. In my leadership path, I am proud of what I believe in and endeavor to seize opportunities (Daft & Lane, 2008). My personal leadership goals in architect engineering include increasing influence and leading others, increasing my knowledge, and improving my skills and interpersonal skills. A good leader never stops learning hence increasing my knowledge in architect engineering traces back to my experiences. I have gained my experience through community service, architect engineering, financial services and business, and administrative assistant position (Daft & Lane, 2008). All these are avenues where I have taken to known the sort of leader I can be. The path of experience has helped in identifying the areas I want to improve on, such as acquisition of specific skill set or my personal innate abilities. These have contributed into being a well-rounded and valuable leader. It is very important to learn from the past and harnessing all the knowledge and experience for my successful future. I never stop learning, which means I am always excited for every task and opportunity. I believe that optimistic is one of the most important aspect for work and for my life in general. Therefore, every valuable contribution and effective work I do needs to start from inside me at t he first place. According to Daft, attending to industry relevant experiences like my time in Mabnya for Contracting is my path to acquiring effective competence (Daft & Lane, 2008). I have also found myself attached to other valuable activities all in the pursuit to improve my knowledge as a goal in leadership role. For example, I have had a hand in business process analysis and reporting, work time

Osmosis And The Egg Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Osmosis And The Egg - Lab Report Example 7. The egg was placed in a clean beaker and covered with water, the amount of which was recorded. Following which the beaker was covered and it was left for a week. 8. After a week, the egg was removed from the beaker, dried, measured and weighed, and details about the appearance were noted. Finally, the amount of water that remained in the beaker was measured and recorded. Data table Measurements Baseline After vinegar After corn syrup After water Circumference (cm) 13 14.5 12.2 15.5 Mass (g) 51.5 71.89 51.6 78.5 Appearance Oval, smooth, soft Long, rubbery, more cracks Smaller, partly indented Bigger, like a rubber immersed in fluid Amount of vinegar (ml) 60.5 43 - - Amount of corn syrup (ml) 77 - 79 - Amount of water (ml) 67 - - 35 Change in liquid (ml) - -17.5 2 -32 Graph Figure 1: Starting circumference (in centimeters) of the egg and circumference following each of the experimental treatments. Figure 2: Starting mass (in grams) of the egg and the mass following each treatment. Q uestions 1. The circumference of the egg increased by 1.5cm after it was immersed in vinegar and left to stand for a week. The mass changed, increasing by around 20g. Overall, the size of the egg increased. The amount of vinegar in the jar decreased by 17.5ml. The changes were the result of osmosis. The gradient across the membrane of the egg made it such that molecules of vinegar were drawn into the egg, resulting in a lower concentration of vinegar molecules outside the egg and a higher concentration within the egg at the end of the week. The cracks in the shell of the egg were the result of an acidic reaction between the vinegar and the shell of the egg. The rubbery nature was due to the change in chemical composition of the egg, it had more liquid in it as a result of the... Water molecules will move in the direction of a high concentration of solute, and hence low water concentration until equilibrium is reached. Generally osmosis occurs across a cell membrane; however, this is not always the case. The outside solution can be grouped into one of three categories, isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic. Isotonic is where the concentration of water is the same inside and exterior to the cell, and as a consequence water moves in both directions with no next change. A hypotonic solution has a higher concentration of water compared to the internal environment, and as a consequence water moves into the cell. Finally, a hypotonic solution has a lower concentration of water to the internal environment, so water moves out of the cell. The process of submerging the egg in liquid and leaving it for a week allowed the process of osmosis to take place. This is because the egg shell is semi permeable and is able to act in the same way that a cell membrane can in terms of allowing diffusion. Both water and vinegar were hypotonic compared to the interior of the egg and as a consequence immersing the egg in these liquids resulted in water being taken into the egg. This resulted in the egg appearing rubbery and gaining in size. In contrast, corn syrup was hypertonic compared to the interior of the egg so water moved out of the egg. As there was already an increased amount of water inside the egg it was this that was removed, resulting in the egg being similar in size to when the experiment began.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Defining my Leadership Direction (Three leadership goals) Essay

Defining my Leadership Direction (Three leadership goals) - Essay Example My perspective as a leader borrows from my short stints of work experience, and has intellect from emerging topics such how to cope with emotional intelligence, to lead virtual teams, and even open up innovations. That is the leader I see myself as informed through Daft in his leadership experience. In my leadership path, I am proud of what I believe in and endeavor to seize opportunities (Daft & Lane, 2008). My personal leadership goals in architect engineering include increasing influence and leading others, increasing my knowledge, and improving my skills and interpersonal skills. A good leader never stops learning hence increasing my knowledge in architect engineering traces back to my experiences. I have gained my experience through community service, architect engineering, financial services and business, and administrative assistant position (Daft & Lane, 2008). All these are avenues where I have taken to known the sort of leader I can be. The path of experience has helped in identifying the areas I want to improve on, such as acquisition of specific skill set or my personal innate abilities. These have contributed into being a well-rounded and valuable leader. It is very important to learn from the past and harnessing all the knowledge and experience for my successful future. I never stop learning, which means I am always excited for every task and opportunity. I believe that optimistic is one of the most important aspect for work and for my life in general. Therefore, every valuable contribution and effective work I do needs to start from inside me at t he first place. According to Daft, attending to industry relevant experiences like my time in Mabnya for Contracting is my path to acquiring effective competence (Daft & Lane, 2008). I have also found myself attached to other valuable activities all in the pursuit to improve my knowledge as a goal in leadership role. For example, I have had a hand in business process analysis and reporting, work time

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Information Technology Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Information Technology Security - Essay Example Associations ought to have a powerful process for recognizing new clients of SpiderWeb and recording, endorsing, and overseeing access rights (SAMPEMANE 62-65). New demands for SpiderWeb will be put together by client administration to the information or framework manager for endorsement and handling. In specific cases, the task of rights may be secured by the workers part or gathering participation, and oversaw by pre-established approvals for that gathering. Sellers or builders may be allowed access, focused around their association. The data owner of SpiderWeb will review and evaluate the request based on job functions. Once approved, access will be configured by the data custodians or system administrators (Tolone et al. 29-41). The provisioning methodology ought to incorporate an effective system for informing the allowing power when a clients status or part changes (Tolone et al. 29-41). Thus, when change, will provoke a survey and result in the upgrading of access rights. Upon the client’s end, access control benefits ought to be disavowed in an opportune way. In addition to normal operations, the assignment of authentication and authorization credentials should include business continuity planning responsibilities for SpiderWeb. Validation is the check of character by a framework or database focused around the presentation of remarkable qualifications to that framework implemented in SpiderWeb. Confirmation helps the privacy of information and the responsibility of activities performed on frameworks by checking the exceptional character of a client. Passwords are an essential strategy for SpiderWeb, used to control access to assets and are the most well-known verification component. Different components incorporate token instruments and biometrics. Confirmation that depends on more than one certification is called multifactor validation and is for the most part stronger than any single-component methods. To focus on the requirement of

Collective unconscious Essay Example for Free

Collective unconscious Essay Carl Jung was born in Kesswyl, Thurgau, Switzerland on July 26, 1875. His father was kind but weak, while his mother was an insecure woman but with two personalities: (a) kind and loving (b) harsh and aloof. Jung was lonely at childhood making him introvert. In 1906 he published The Psychology of Dementia Praecox, a psychoanalytic treatment of schizophrenia. He first met Freud in 1907 and Freud regarded Jung as his son and they travelled and worked together that lasted until 1913. Freud and Jung had an argument that ended their friendship. Freud considered it as the â€Å"Great Loss†. Jung is the first president of International Psychoanalytic Society. Jung established his own school of psychology named â€Å"Analytical Psychology†. Jung begun the structure of personality and made the ego, personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Dynamics of Personality Carl Jung conceived that the personality or psyche as being a partially closed energy system. Energy from the outside sources must be added into the system and the system will only be perfect and stabilized if it is completely closed. He called psychic energy as the energy by which the work of personality is performed. Psyche – refers to all psychological processes: thoughts, feelings, sensations, wishes, etc. It is also another term for personality. Principle of Equivalence – states that if a particular value weakens the sum of the energy represented by the value will not be lost from the psyche but will reappear in a new value. Principle of Entropy – states that the distribution of energy in the psyche seeks equilibrium and balance. Structure of Personality. 1. Ego – it is one’s conscious mind. It serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality. 2. Personal unconscious – the material in the personal unconscious comes from the individual’s past. It consist f experiences that was once conscious but have been repressed. 3. Collective unconscious – is the part of the collective psyche that is unconscious. It is the storehouse of latent memory traces inherited from one’s ancestral past. Archetypes – it is the universal thought form or predisposition to respond to the world in a certain way. It emphasizes potentialities; it represents different potential ways in which we may express our humanities. The Self – it represents the unity of all parts of the personality. It is the central archetype. Self Ultimate unity of personality (the central archetype) Persona Mask or Social Role Shadow Animal instincts or the opposite of Persona Anima Feminine side of male psyche Animus Masculine side of the female psyche. The Persona – refers to the social role that one assumes in society. It is a mask that one wears to adjust to the demands of society. The Shadow – encompasses those unsocial thoughts, feelings and behaviours that we potentially posses and other characteristics that we do not want to accept. The Anima – feminine side of the male psyche. The Animus – masculine side of the female psyche. Word association – a test used by Jung to detect complexes. The test is composed of a list of words; as each word is presented, the patient responds with the first word that comes to his or her mind. Complexes – an organized group of thoughts, feelings and memories about a particular concept that has power to draw new ideas into it and interpret them accordingly. Basic Attitudes Extroverted attitude: a standpoint characterized by an outward flowing of personal energy — an interest in events, in people and things, a relationship with them, and a dependence on them. Introverted attitude: characterized by an inward flowing of personal energy—a withdrawal concentrating on subjective factors. The Four Functions Thinking gives meaning and understanding; actions are a result of an intellectually considered motive; life is based on principles. Feeling a rational function that weighs, values, and attaches a proper value to things. Truth is seen as inter-subjectivity. Sensation emphasis on perception through the senses. It is a reality functions because it yields facts and the representations of the world. Intuition tells of future possibilities and gives information of the atmosphere which surrounds experience. Causality vs. Teleology For Jung both past and the future standpoints are important in determining the present behaviour. Teleology explains the present in terms of the future while causality explains the present in terms of the past. Individuation process of restoring wholeness to the psyche in adult development. Transcendence Function – is capacity to unite all of the opposing trends of the several systems to work toward the perfect wholeness. Self realization – is process of development that involves individuation and transcendence. In the process, the systems of the psyche achieve their fullest most complete differentiation and harmonious blending of all aspects of a human’s total personality. Strengths Jung’s theory as the first to discuss the process of self actualization. He was the first to emphasize the importance of the future in determining human behaviour. He stressed the attainment of selfhood as the main motive in human behaviour. Weaknesses Jung’s method was not systematic and puts too much emphasis on occultism, spiritualism and religion. His theory was said to be unscientific, unclear, inconsistent and contradictory. His self actualization is only applicable to the highly intelligent, well educated and those who have plenty of time to reach a degree of individualism. Sources: Engler, B. (2006). Personality Theories: An Introduction. USA: Houghton Mifflin Company. Hall, C. , Gardner, L. (1975). Theories of Personality. USA: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Burger, J. (2008). Personality. Belmont, California, Wadsworth Clonniger, S. (2004). Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons. USA: Pearson Prentice Hall Mitchell, G. Carl Jung Jungian Analytical Psychology. Retrieved from http://www. trans4mind. com/mind-development/jung. htmlÃ'Ž

Monday, October 14, 2019

Africa’s Physical Geography

Africa’s Physical Geography Africas Physical Geography Africa is a continent rich in beauty, culture, and wealth. It has several diverse and singularly captivating landscapes including vast savannah and desert, lush rainforest, and sun-kissed beaches. There is potential for great wealth and prosperity, due to the resources in this luminous continent. North and South Africa are split into almost two equal parts by the equator, and the climate and physical features in both the north and the south repeat themselves. For example, the Sahara and Kalahari deserts, the Cape region and the Mediterranean, and the Karoo and the Maghreb. It is incredibly hot in most places, and insanely bright. Although it is so diverse, Africa is mainly made up of rolling flat plateaus. There is not a great variety of physical features, though those that are there can be quite remarkable. Compared to other continents, there are few broad coastal plains. It is an enormous mass of land, connecting at the Isthmus of Suez to Asia and almost to Europe at Gibraltar. Africa is the only continent which lies in all four hemispheres, lying on the equator at zero degrees latitude and Prime Meridian at zero degrees longitude. It has no deep indentations and very few well defined peninsulas. Africa is surrounded by major bodies of water such as the Mediterranean Sea in the north, the Red Sea in the northeast, the Atlantic Ocean in the west, and the Indian Ocean in the southeast. The coast, stretching 18,900 miles is largely level. There are few islands, Madagascar being the largest and the thirteen Canary islands being the largest group. The major landforms of Africa include the Nile River System, Atlas Mountains, Great Rift Valley, Sahel, Congo River Basin, Kalahari Desert, and the Sahara Desert. The Nile River is the longest river in the world with a length of 4,160 miles. It runs north, rising from the highlands of the southeast, and then draining into the Mediterranean Sea. It is made up of multifarious dams, rapids, streams, swamps, rivers, rapids, and tributaries. The major rivers making up the Nile are the Albert Nile, Blue Nile, White Nile, and the Victoria Nile. The great Nile River is a lifeline for the inhabitants on its banks. It provides nourishment for crops which are both food and a means of business. The Atlas Mountains are located in Northern Africa and stretch from southwestern Morocco across the coast of the Mediterranean, to the extreme east of Tunisia. These mountains are made up of several smaller mountain ranges namely, the High Atlas, Middle Atlas, and Maritime Atlas. The highest in the entire range is Mt. Toubkal located in western Morocco at a height of 13,671 feet. The Great Rift Valley is a dramatic depression in the surface of the earth which extends from an area near the Red Sea in Jordan in the Middle East, to the country of Mozambique in Africa, which is a length of about approximately 4,000 miles. The Great Rift Valley is essentially a series of depressions caused by volcanic activity thousands of years ago, which also created what is now called the Ethiopian Highlands. Some of the highest peaks in the continent are found in the Great Rift Valley including Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya, and Mount Margherita. The Sahel is a great expanse of land running across north and central Africa, across the extreme southern Sahara. The Sahel is the transition between the desert conditions of the north and the tropical conditions of the south. The region receives very little rainfall, about six to eight inches annually, and vegetation is relatively sparse. The Congo River Basin dominates the landscape of the Democratic Republic of Congo and a large portion of neighboring Congo. It also stretches into Angola, the Central Republic of Africa, Cameroon, and Zambia. This fertile basin contains about twenty percent of the worlds rainforest. The Congo River Basin is about 1,400,000 square miles in size. The Congo River is the second longest river in Africa and is made up of multiple tributaries, streams, and rivers that help intertwine the people in the cities along the banks of these waterways. The Kalahari is the major desert of southern Africa. It extends about 100,000 square miles and covers much of Botswana, the southwestern region of South Africa, and all of western Namibia. Dry river beds and shrubs crisscross along the desert plateau. A few small mountain ranges are located in the Kalahari Desert: the Karas and the Huns. The Kalahari Gemsbok Wildlife National Park in southern Africa near the border of Namibia hosts large herds of animals. The Sahara Desert covers about one-third of Africa, making it the largest desert in Africa and is around 3,500,000 square miles in total size. Elevations range from one hundred feet below sea level to mountains which exceed 11,000 feet (the Ahaggar and Tibetsi mountains). The Libyan, Western desert of Egypt, and Nubian deserts are regional deserts located just west of the Nile. The area receives almost absolutely no rainfall, although a few rivers flow from the Atlas Mountains underground which assist in irrigating alienated oases. The water of the Nile helps fertilize the eastern parts of the landscape. These landforms occupy a large section of the land, and the climate, resources, and vegetation of these are similar to those of the countries they stretch through. The people are largely reliant on the natural resources the earth yields in their country. Agriculture makes up a huge part of the economies of several countries. Each country has its own unique characteristics and although each separate one cannot be listed here, it is accurate to say that Africa is a diverse country which could be rich due to the resources the breathtaking country yields, and which the inhabitants can manipulate to their profit. Bibliography:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Brown v. Board of Education Decision Essay examples -- Civil Rights Mo

The Broken Promise "Histories, like ancient ruins, are the fictions of empires. While everything forgotten hands in dark dreams of the past, ever threatening to return...†, a quote from the movie Velvet Goldmine, expresses the thoughts that many supporters of integration may have felt because no one truly knew the effects that one major verdict could create. The Brown v. Board of Education decision was a very important watershed during the Civil Rights Movement. However, like most progressive decisions, it did not create an effective solution because no time limit was ever given. James Baldwin realized that this major oversight would lead to a â€Å"broken promise.† Before the decision of Brown v. Board of Education, many people accepted school segregation and, in most of the southern states, required segregation. Schools during this time were supposed to uphold the â€Å"separate but equal† standard set during the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson; however, most, if not all, of the â€Å"black† schools were not comparable to the â€Å"white† schools. The resources the â€Å"white† schools had available definitely exceed the resources given to â€Å"black† schools not only in quantity, but also in quality. Brown v. Board of Education was not the first case that assaulted the public school segregation in the south. The title of the case was shortened from Oliver Brown ET. Al. v. the Board of Education of Topeka Kansas. The official titled included reference to the other twelve cases that were started in the early 1950’s that came from South Carolina, Virginia, Delaware and the District of C olumbia. The case carried Oliver Brown’s name because he was the only male parent fighting for integration. The case of Brown v. Board o... ...le knowing their identity, so that they do not have to face the judgments of others. "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person! Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth!" (Velvet Goldmine). Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Down at the Cross.† 1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84. Ewing, James. â€Å"Desegregation: Progress Report.† New York Times 26 Sep. 1954. â€Å"Integration Gain is Noted in South.† New York Times 7 Jul. 1957. Irons, Peter. Jim Crow’s Children: The Broken Promise of the Brown Decision. New York: Viking Penguin, 2002. â€Å"Text of Supreme Court Decision Outlawing Negro Segregation in the Public Schools.† New York Times 18 May 1854. Velvet Goldmine. Dir. Todd Hayes. Perf. Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Ewan McGregor, Christian Bale, Toni Collette. Miramax, 1998. Brown v. Board of Education Decision Essay examples -- Civil Rights Mo The Broken Promise "Histories, like ancient ruins, are the fictions of empires. While everything forgotten hands in dark dreams of the past, ever threatening to return...†, a quote from the movie Velvet Goldmine, expresses the thoughts that many supporters of integration may have felt because no one truly knew the effects that one major verdict could create. The Brown v. Board of Education decision was a very important watershed during the Civil Rights Movement. However, like most progressive decisions, it did not create an effective solution because no time limit was ever given. James Baldwin realized that this major oversight would lead to a â€Å"broken promise.† Before the decision of Brown v. Board of Education, many people accepted school segregation and, in most of the southern states, required segregation. Schools during this time were supposed to uphold the â€Å"separate but equal† standard set during the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson; however, most, if not all, of the â€Å"black† schools were not comparable to the â€Å"white† schools. The resources the â€Å"white† schools had available definitely exceed the resources given to â€Å"black† schools not only in quantity, but also in quality. Brown v. Board of Education was not the first case that assaulted the public school segregation in the south. The title of the case was shortened from Oliver Brown ET. Al. v. the Board of Education of Topeka Kansas. The official titled included reference to the other twelve cases that were started in the early 1950’s that came from South Carolina, Virginia, Delaware and the District of C olumbia. The case carried Oliver Brown’s name because he was the only male parent fighting for integration. The case of Brown v. Board o... ...le knowing their identity, so that they do not have to face the judgments of others. "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person! Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth!" (Velvet Goldmine). Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Down at the Cross.† 1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84. Ewing, James. â€Å"Desegregation: Progress Report.† New York Times 26 Sep. 1954. â€Å"Integration Gain is Noted in South.† New York Times 7 Jul. 1957. Irons, Peter. Jim Crow’s Children: The Broken Promise of the Brown Decision. New York: Viking Penguin, 2002. â€Å"Text of Supreme Court Decision Outlawing Negro Segregation in the Public Schools.† New York Times 18 May 1854. Velvet Goldmine. Dir. Todd Hayes. Perf. Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Ewan McGregor, Christian Bale, Toni Collette. Miramax, 1998.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Responces To Hunger :: essays research papers

Although hunger and starvation are prevalent in our nation, Americans have turned their backs to this problem. We have turned our backs because we have been conditioned and desensitized by the media, to the issue of hunger.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Classical conditioning is “the process by which a stimulus acquires the capacity to elicit a response through association with a stimulus that already elicits a similar or related response.'; Classical conditioning is like the famous case of Pavlov’s dogs that we learned about in Psychology 101: The dogs learn to associate the ringing of the bell with food, and, once conditioned, the dogs could not hear the bell without salivating.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Japanese were masters at using classical conditioning with their solders. Early in World War II, Chinese prisoners were placed in a ditch on their knees with their hands bound behind them. And one by one, a select few Japanese soldiers would go into the ditch and bayonet “their'; prisoners to death. Up on the bank, countless other young soldiers would cheer them on in their violence. Comparatively few soldiers actually killed in these situations, but by making the others watch and cheer, the Japanese were able to use these kinds of atrocities to classically condition a very large audience to associate pleasure with human death and suffering. Immediately afterwards, the soldiers who had been spectators were treated to sake, the best meal they had in months, and so-called comfort girls. The result? They learned to associate committing violent acts with pleasure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are also some clear-cut examples of classical conditioning established by the media today. Our culture watches vivid pictures of human suffering and death, and we learn to associate it with our favorite soft drink and candy bar, or our girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s perfume/cologne. This occurs at the movies or even at home watching TV we laugh and cheer and keep right on eating popcorn and drinking pop while in front of us are images of death. We are in a generation where we have learned to associate the media with pleasure. So it is no surprise that when we view starving people in the world we are not startled, or very upset by the images displayed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Operant conditioning is the process by which a response becomes more or less likely to occur, depending on its consequence. Children, of course cry for many valid reasons; pain, discomfort, fear, illness, fatigue and their cries deserve an adult’s sympathy and attention.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Enterprise-Level Strategic Uses of Technology At Baderman Islands

The advent of information technology and other technological products has lead to a more competitive market environment for different organization. In this regard, more and more companies and institutions are trying to invest on innovative and technology-specific products, and Baderman Islands is never an exemption. Accordingly, technological innovation for products and servers is known as integrated principle of technology and development to be able to meet current demands of the target market. In various ways, technological innovation is said to have specific use in enterprise-level of an organisation.The alignment of technology with the business strategy of the company is important. Primarily, the main goal of this paper is to determine the enterprise-level strategic use of technology at Baderman Islands. Overview of Baderman Islands Baderman Island is known as an independent, all inclusive resort destination with various features from hotels, restaurants, convention centre and ot her leisure activities that a tourist is looking for. It is an island resort community with vast essentialities to give innovative services to sustain their competitive advantage.The management of the company aims on providing quality tourisms services for their target market. In doing so, the company is pursuing technological innovations to be more distinctive and add to the entire experience of their target market. Enterprise-Level Strategic Use of Technology In order to sustain competitive position in the marketplace, the company has adapted technological innovation which specifically focuses on the Dolphin Boat by Innerspace Technology. The alignment of this technology has enterprise-strategic use for Baderman Island’ includes the following.The first strategic use of this technology is to meet and satisfy customer demands. Since tourists in this generation are seeking for an island retreat which provides business, leisure and other escapades and extraordinary experiences, the company considers technological alignment to provide the needs of the customer for an island-getaway. This technological innovation can help the company to provide distinctive and effective service provision. It is said that the successful and effective alignment of the company’ management, staff and technology, is important for attaining customer satisfaction.Such alignment begins with the purposeful alignments of the company’s operations employed by Baderman Island’s management (Johnston & Clarke, 2001). Another enterprise-level strategic use of technology with Baderman Islands is with regards to the enhancement of the management system of the company. By considering technologically innovated products such that of the Dolphin Boat, the company will be able to enhanced their differentiation strategy, and business strategy of the company which include the management skills and resources.In addition, the company will be able to improve their creative flair, product engineering, strong marketing abilities and strong capability in basic research. Furthermore, as part of the enhancement of management system of the company through the alignment of technology, their corporate reputation is also improving to attract more tourists in choosing their tourism services among other competitors (Nickols 2000). Such mentioned skills and capabilities brought by the alignment of technology and business strategy are very important for the company to retain or attract internal and external stakeholders.In addition, strategic alignment of technology and business strategy is associated with the satisfaction of the customers in a way that providing unique services mostly satisfy tourists or clients (Duffy & Ketchand, 2002). Another important enterprise-level strategic use of aligning technological innovation in Baderman is with regards to the improvement and of the service quality of their tourism services. The use of new technology can be able to guide th e company towards the expansion strategy of the company.Accordingly, the central attribute of technological innovation, specifically for the products and services provides by organizations like Baderman Island, is the interaction between the marketing management and the company itself. Things like labour intensiveness, high consumer contact are some of the mitigating features of the alignment of technological expansion and service quality alignment. Hence, technological innovation can provide sensual benefit for the company (Watt, 2007). Part of the business approach of the tourism service industries is their adherence to the context of service quality.Consequently, the context of service quality is considered as the outcome of the strategic alignment of new and technologically improved products and services and service delivery system (Ghobadian, Speller & Jones, 1994), specifically in the case of service industries like Baderman Island. By and large, the underlying principle of bu siness strategy and technological alignment aims to determine and provide the needs of the clients. Through this alignment, the company has been able to have a unifying theme which aligns their service provision, marketing strategy and management system to satisfy stakeholders.The alignment of the technology and business strategy has different enterprise-level strategic uses to sustain competitive advantage of the organization. It is said that the alignment of these aspects should see to it that the company would be consistent in providing high quality among their tourist clients. Reference Duffy, JA & Ketchund, AA 2002, â€Å"Examining the Role of Service Quality in Overall Service Satisfaction†, Journal of Managerial Issues, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 240+. Ghobadian, A, Speller, S. and Jones, M. (1994). Service Quality: Concepts and Models.International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 11(9): 43-66. Johnston, R. & Clark, G. (2001). Service Operation Management. 1st Ed ition. London: Prentice Hall. Nickols, F 2000, Distance Consulting, viewed October 11, 2008 . Watt, P. (2007) â€Å"I Need People that are Happy, Always Smiling: Guest Interaction and Emotional Labour in a Canadian Downtown Hotel† Just Labour, Vol 10, Spring: 45-59 (http://www. justlabour. yorku. ca/volume10/pdfs/04WattPress. pdf) retrieve October 11, 2008 .

Thursday, October 10, 2019

George Killed Lennie for Merciful Reasons

Of Mice and Men: George Killed Lennie for Merciful Reasons A true friendship is one in which friends care deeply enough to anticipate one another's needs and are willing to put their friend's needs before their own. Their mutual love enables them to make sacrifices only to protect each other. In the novella, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, George killing Lennie is a merciful kill to save others from Lennie's unintentional acts of aggression, to spare Lennie from suffering a cruel death, and instead ensuring a peaceful and quick departure one that will cause George the least regrets.George begins to see a pattern of aggression coming from Lennie and wants to put it to an end because Lennie is hurting too many others unintentionally and he sees Lennie is quick to frustrate and panic and is lacking in the ability to control his violent reactions. Lennie has killed many mice, a pup, and finally a woman. Although Lennie may not want to kill any other living beings, it is in his nature to become aggressive and angry when frustrated. He typically believes he â€Å"Wasn't doin' nothing bad' † (Steinbeck 9) with the mice and he was â€Å"Jus' strokin' it' † (Steinbeck 9).He cannot contain his anger and that often leads to an unrestrained use of his strength. Because Lennie never has the intention to kill anything, he can feel an immense amount of guilt and remorse as seen when he runs out of the barn crying, â€Å"l done a real bad thing†¦ I shouldn't of did that† (Steinbeck 92), after killing Curlers wife. Despite Lennie's remorse, he does not grasp the severity and the consequences of his actions. This is not so much due to Lennie's slowness but more because of George's protective nature, preventing Lennie from ever having to face any consequences.Nonetheless, George sees that Lennie is unable to learn from his mistakes and fears the pattern is going to continue and that he is unable to change Lennie. George feels Justified in killing Len nie because he knows that in the long run he would be able to spare many other lives and prevent Lennie from all the pain and anguish from the remorse Lennie feels after his aggressions. George's decision to kill his best friend is to prevent a horrific and undeserved fate that awaits Lennie unless there is some intervention. He does not want Lennie to be killed by Curley or sent to Jail.George clearly can sense Curleys anger and vindictive nature about Lennie killing his wife. It is quite apparent that Curley wants Justice and revenge and is determined to make Lennie suffer: â€Å"Curley's face reddened. ‘I'm goin'†¦ I'm gonna shoot the guts outta that big bastard myself† (Steinbeck 98). Shooting Lennie in the gut would cause he him to slowly bleed to death, ensuring a long, painful death. Even if Curley is not to succeed in killing Lennie in this gruesome manner, the other likely outcome is that Lennie is sentenced and put in Jail for potentially a lifetime.Initi ally, in light of the possibility of Curlers revenge, George considers Jail to be a safe haven: â€Å"Guess†¦ We gotta tell the†¦ guys. I guess we gotta get ‘im an' lock ‘Im up. We can't let ‘im get away†¦ ‘ And he tries to reassure himselt, ‘Maybe they'll lock ‘im up and be nice to ‘im† (Steinbeck 94 However, upon further consideration, George realizes that Lennie is incapable of living on his own and fending for himself in Jail and will not last. Either outcome would result in a miserable and slow death for Lennie, and George could not allow his to happen to his best friend.This is how he reaches the conclusion that it is necessary for George, himself, to kill Lennie in a humane fashion in order to give him a quick and peaceful death. By shooting Lennie himself, George minimizes his own pain for not letting Lennie die at the hands of a stranger and can also control Lennie's last thoughts and feelings. Earlier on in th e novella, Candy feels deep regret for not being the one to end his dogs life and he tells George, â€Å"l oughtta shot that dog myself†¦ I shouldn't oughtta let no stranger shoot my dog† (Steinbeck 61).Candy and his dog were lifelong friends and companions, as were Lennie and George. Candys regret makes a lasting impression and Georges recognizes that he too cannot live letting anyone else take Lennie's life. Moreover, he ensures that Lennie last moments are filled with Joyous thoughts as he strikes up a conversation about Lennie's favorite topic: â€Å"And I get to tend the rabbits. † (Steinbeck 105) said Lennie, â€Å"An' you get to tend the rabbits. â€Å"(Steinbeck 105) responded George, then â€Å"Lennie giggled with happiness. † (Steinbeck 105).And lastly, as George's last act of friendship, he eassures Lennie with his final words that is he is not mad at Lennie nor that he's ever been. This is to award Lennie with as much peace as a friend could. Overall, Lennie is in a much better place once he dies. He does not to suffer a long and painful death; he would not hurt any other humans or animals and is spared the resulting remorse. George feels great loss and is shaken afterward despite knowing he is Justified in actions. This is a compassionate homicide and George is a true friend. He looks out for Lennie's needs and makes sacrifices to the end.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Compare and contrast any two energy sources, for example solar and Essay - 1

Compare and contrast any two energy sources, for example solar and coal, in terms of cost and safety - Essay Example On the other hand, non-renewable energy sources like coal have adverse impacts on the ecological system as well as individuals’ health. This is because it significantly contributes to pollution and triggers global warming. Therefore, it is not safe to use coal and other non-renewable energy as power source. Renewable energy sources are infinite energy resource and this implies that they never run out. This report compares and contrasts these two sources of energy in relation to cost and safety. This report is well structured and coordinated to ensure that all the ideas presented flow smoothly. Both primary and secondary sources have been used exhaustively to acquire important and relevant information to write this report. The information has also been acquired though surveys, telephone, mail as well as internet surveys. Extensive research has also been conducted to make this report effective. Coal is not expensive as compared to solar energy, but again solar energy costs are dropping. Coal may not be expensive but it requires expensive air pollution controls such as mercury because it emits higher levels of carbon dioxide. It has a higher environmental impact from mining and burning since the carbon dioxide released during the process contributes to global warming and creates acid rain (Evans 2005, p.138). Coal mining has always been known to be dangerous and associated with many problems (Britton 1977, p.118). Moreover, coal as a source of energy is a significant contributor to acid rain and global warming and this is directly linked to its pollution ability because it emits major greenhouse gases that play a leading role in triggering global warming and climate change. Solar energy is somehow cheap because sunlight is usually free when available (Chiras 2014, p.363). Solar energy does not generally cause pollution but there are some emissions associated with the manufa cturing,

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Role of assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Role of assessment - Essay Example Medical practitioners use this type of information for purposes of making a decision on the type of diagnosis and treatment to give a patient (Jarvis, 2012). This information is further used for purposes of understanding the nature of ailments a client is vulnerable to, and the control measures to develop (American Nurses Association, 2010). This is for purposes of knowing the best approach to treat the patient, and the best approach to use in protecting the patient from acquiring the ailments that they are vulnerable to. Furthermore, assessments give nurses the capability of prioritizing the clinical care of their patients. Nurses will know which areas he or she should concentrate on, while providing nursing care to their patients (Simmons, 2010). It is a requirement that nurses should acquire skills on how to identify important health care issues that should receive some priority. Use of assessments will achieve such kind of an objective. Partial assessment of a patient plays a role in identifying whether a patient recovers or not (Jarvis, 2012). This is very useful when dealing with patients suffering from cardiac diseases and respiratory infections. Carrying out assessments is therefore an important process in the medical field. They help help in improving the health of patients, and preventing diseases. This is because it guides practitioners on the most efficient disease control

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Great Recession and The Policy Response Research Paper

The Great Recession and The Policy Response - Research Paper Example This paper serves to look into the causes of the Great Recession of 2007 as the history books call it and the policy response of President Barack Obama's administration to the crisis. More importantly, I will try to answer the question â€Å"Where does America go from here?† Evaluate the Obama administration's policies to respond to the crisis America is a country whose economy has always been based upon the trust factor. The trust that the other nations place upon the credibility of the name of the country and our ability to pay off our country's debt on time allowed the country function like a family that was living beyond its means. We were a country living off â€Å"massive foreign borrowing, excessively loose monetary policy, reckless lending practices, lax regulation, and other factors†. As a country, we were borrowing trillions of dollars from other nations every year. Such money inflow triggers rapid and uncontrollable economic growth due to the artificial spend ing boom that the country was experiencing. This resulted in a real estate boom that would eventually cause the economy to falter as mortgages began to go unpaid. The United States was suffering from a macroeconomic imbalance that had the rest of the world worrying about America, but the Americans were oblivious to what was happening right under their very noses. Economic experts knew that the needle that would burst the economic bubble was sure to come. It was just that nobody could predict when it would actually hit. When it did hit the economy in 2007, there was no place for anyone to hide financially. The U.S economy was officially in shambles and in bad need of rebuilding. What more should the administration do to continue to mend the economy, create jobs, ease credit, etc.? While the U.S was still fighting a war on 2 fronts and struggling to keep up with its debt payments, a new government took over the White House. Pres. Barack Obama rode the wings of change into the White Ho use with the promise that he would end the Great Recession as soon as possible. Everyone applauded and chose to believe that he could do it. But now, 6 years later, the question still remains about what his government policy really was to end the problem and whether it was effective or not. The response of the new Obama administration was swift and clear. He encouraged the adoption of an â€Å"accomodative federal fiscal policy†. It is a policy that, even with the great recession having ended in 2010, has failed to help reinvigorate the U.S. economy to the point where economic growth can be said to have spurred to a steady basis. In fact, the growth of the U.S. economy at this point remains suspect because of the lack of effective economic and tax programs on the part of the Obama administration. (Bivens, Josh, Fieldhouse, Andrew , Shierholz Heidi â€Å"From Free Fall to Stagnation†). Rather, the Obama government seems to be locked in a battle of political wills with t he Republican party as they hold the U.S. economy hostage, a pawn in their political game of survival, without any clear winner. The loser however, thanks to the Obama administration's less than well thought out plans, is definitely the American public. Let's face it, Washington is going to be in a constant state of political gridlock for a long time to come. But our economy

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Perfume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Perfume - Essay Example Since then perfumes are widely applied in various settings of the sphere. Their role is enormous, ranging from the individual respective, as a consumer learning tool, in mood therapy, in foods, detergents among others (Bennett 49). The broad application of perfumes triggered the researcher to explore their relevance in determining the attitudes of the human organism. The survey used both survey and literature review. The literature review was employed to assist in ascertaining the gap that exists in the study of perfumes and how they elicit moods in humans. Further, the deduction of the literature was vital in determining the current state of affairs, its theories and the developments in the sector. The synthesis of the literature reveals that humans are wired in a way that their sense of smell leads them to automatic approach-avoidance Responses inclusive of general attitudes, emotion and actions. The resultant responses are either positive or negative. Human being search for pleasurable experiences, and they always aim to avoid any painful or negative experiences as per nature. Based on the categorization theory, the study realized that it is possible to break pleasures into forms involving sensory, emotional and social traits (Porcherot 939). The review showed that emotional preferences typically stem from aesthetic stimulation. For instance, the smell of roses can remind one of a pleasant childhood, which arouses good moods in the individual. Sensory pleasances are the simplest forms to comprehend since they involve the pleasures created by sensory contact with outside stimuli. He further argues that Social pleasures arise from contact and interaction with peers. The experiences of persons can involve one form or a mix of the described pleasure types though in the end, individual summaries the experience as a memory that falls into a single

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Mitigation Strategies and Solutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Mitigation Strategies and Solutions - Essay Example Today’s research proves that the Earths average surface temperature has risen by about 1Â °F in 20th century. Meteorologists have firm logics and facts that the Earth’s warming is highly associated to human activities as it has been increasing since the onset of industrial revolution in 1950. Human beings have changed the chemical composition of the atmosphere by producing greenhouse gases mainly carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These are heat-trapping gases. In the Earth’s atmosphere, greenhouse gases are those that first absorb solar radiation and then release it to the atmosphere within the thermal infrared range. This process is called the green house effect which is the fundamental cause of global warming. The well known greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere that play a major role in global warming are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, water vapor, and ozone. Hydro-fluorocarbons, per-fluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride are som e other very dominant greenhouse gases that are the results of variety of industrialized processes. Major human actions such as use of fossil petroleum, automobiles, emerging industrial and urban areas, electric power plants and clearing of land are primarily responsible for the increased concentration of carbon dioxide whereas deforestation is the basic cause of enhanced concentration of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The perspective of cooling influences and facts about global warming have proved a very high confidence level of 90% that the globally net effect of warming is due to human activities since 1750 (IPCC, Third Assessment Report, 2007). The contribution of these gases to the greenhouse effect is given in the following table. Some of scientists which are not in majority disagree about the association of increased greenhouse gases to the human activities. They claim that the global warming is the result of natural

Friday, October 4, 2019

Native Americans in the United States Essay Example for Free

Native Americans in the United States Essay Today, race is seen less as culture and history and more as your intelligence, wealth, morals, and how you should act. Unfortunately, racism, stereotypes, and prejudice have been around so long its become some what subconscious of us to pair actions and personalities with a skin color. In Princess Oreo Speaks Out by Dwan Carter, people around her are shocked by how she acts and even go as far as calling her â€Å"white† or â€Å"not black enough. † Carter states, â€Å"It seems that, for a lot of people around me, being black is an attitude. † In society today, people, especially young teens, are pressured to act a certain way based on how they look to feel accepted and ‘normal. ’ A personality that may be perfectly fine if you were one race is found weird and strange in another. In reality, though, race is only skin deep and the color of your skin can not affect how you choose to act. Indian mascot controversies have been going on for years and years. Teams with mascots and names many consider offensive towards Indians exist from high school teams all the way up to professional leagues. Some examples include the Illini Chiefs, Washington Redskins, and Cleveland Indians. Redskins team owner Dan Snyder says, â€Å"After 81 years, the team name Redskins continues to hold the memories and meaning of where we came from, who we are, and who we want to be in the years to come. † Even though the name has traditions, it nevertheless has a negative impact and should be retired. The term ‘Redskins is defined in dictionaries as an offensive racial slur. You shouldn’t be using a racial slur to sell a sports team to America and especially not for entertainment. The word is degrading and in a way dehumanizing because of the imagery that goes along with it. The name that claims to be honorable in fact actually leads to negative stereotypes of Native Americans. In arenas across the nation you will witness war chants, face paint, animal feathers, and savage like behavior in the stands. Theses images suggest that Native Americans act like they did 150 years ago. We are ignoring who Native people are today and we are treating them as objects of the past rather than people just like us. Racial integration in schools is very important for kids to be exposed to different races. In Why Are American Schools Still Segregated, studies are showing that schools seem to be falling back towards their segregated pasts. Racial integration in schools is not only important because of unfair educational opportunities and outcomes, but I believe it is also important for kids to be exposed to different races. The studies are showing that the minority races are slowly becoming the majority and that White population is getting smaller. This is even more reason for students to need to learn how to interact in a diverse environment. There are also advantages of having students work with others who are not of the same background. We live in a country founded on the principle of equality of all people regardless of race, but we still struggle to meet that ideal. Some people think we should be colorblind to peoples race, but on the other hand other people think you should pay attention to race because people of different races have encountered different things that need to be taken into account. Kids in highschool who are just starting to figure out who they are have lots of pressures to be someone that they might not necessarily be just because of how they happen to look. I think it’s important to know someone as an individual rather than a person of a specific race. It’s also important to recognize racism in life wherever you may encounter it like on tv, in books, and even things people say and then even start challenging it.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Relationship between creativity and parenting among preschool children

Relationship between creativity and parenting among preschool children Parenting is potentially a prominent process which affects childs biophysical, psychological, social, and spiritual development. According to researches parenting styles have a crucial role in childrens development(Holden Edwards,1989;Baumrind,1991;DarlingSteinberg,1993;Chao,1994;Paulson,1994;Lorenz,Hoven,AndrewsBird,1995;Reissetal.1995;PalmerHollin,1996;Radziszewska,Richardson,DentFlay,1996;Holdren,1997,Querido,Warner,Eyberg,2002;Sabbatini,Leaper,2004;Dixon,Hamilton-Giachritis Browne,2005) . Due to the fact that parents are the first people who interact with children in the environment, parenting style is considered to be an important factor in childrens growth (Steinberg, Elmen, Mounts, 1989; Pratt, 1988; Xie, 1996). since it has impact on various dimensions of child development such as physical, cognitive , emotional, social and language development. Unfortunately, many parents lack information on how to provide a good home environment and how to use good parenting practices to encourage their childrens abilities. Teachers and other childhood professionals are key resource persons who can disseminate information to parents and encourage parents to choose effective parenting style. It is a well -known fact that parenting styles set the environmental and emotional context for childrens development. Many writers have noted that specific parenting practices are less important in predicting child well-being than is the broad pattern of parenting. Most researchers who try to describe this broad parental setting rely on Diana Baumrinds concept of parenting style. The construct of parenting style is used to capture normal variations in parents attempts to control and socialize their children (Baumrind, 1991). Diana Baumrind (1966) was the first researcher who made lots of effort in researching about the conception of parenting style and its various types; she classified parenting style into three types of authoritarian, permissive and authoritative. the authoritarian parenting style is characterized by being highly challenging and less responsive. The authoritarian parent is inflexible, rough, and demanding. Coarse parents usually fall in this category (It is worth saying that Baumrind added the point that not all authoritarian parents are abusive) (Diana Baumrind 1966). permissive parents are less taxing however highly responsive. The permissive parent is excessively responsive to the childs needs in the way that they rarely apply orderly rules. The outcome of permissive parenting would usually be the spoiled child (Diana Baumrinds 1966). Children are all born with certain set of characteristics and abilities which may be cultivated based on the surrounding environment. Creativity is among these characteristics and since each child is born with the instinctive ability to be creative, all children have the right to be given the opportunity to discover, use and nurture this inborn gift. All children have capacity to be creative and children should have the opportunity to show their ability to be creative (Torrance 1970). Hence parents must create an atmosphere conducive to develop creativity. Definitions of creativity are not straightforward and limited so that we come across various writers contributing to the disputation about the constitution of creativity with different views. However most theorists come to the same point that the creative process in all its different definitions share some common aspects which are imagination, originality, productivity, problem solving and the ability to create an outcome of value and worth hence creativity can be defined as a process of thinking and responding that is engaged with connecting with our prior experience, making response to incentives (objects, ideas, symbols, people, situations) and bring into being at least one unique combination. E. Paul Torrance (1997), one of the leading researchers in the field of creativity, defined creativity as the process of sensing problems, forming ideas, and deriving unprecedented solutions of unique problems with elaboration and embellishment. The study of creativity in young children has been approached form different point of views. There has been several investigations examining parental and family influences on preschoolers creativity . Bomba ,Moran, and Goble(1991) organized a study on children and their parents to explore the relationship between familial style and preschoolers creative potential. Findings revealed that children of families who were flexible in their family structure got higher scores on a creativity test. Statement of Problem The parents and learning environment during early childhood have great impact on child outcomes .There are evidences that show how parents can influence on children such as family income, parentsoccupatios and parents education. Infect parents are influential person through of the childs life. They have essential task to teach children new skills and who are the first teachers. There are several styles that parents chose during the parenting and each one has particular influence on children. Baumrid was the first researcher that use parenting style concept and other research until now show that significant effect parenting style on all aspect of child outcomes. Therefore awareness of how and what influences parenting style is significant when researches have shown relationship between parenting style and positive and negative children outcomes. Negative outcomes including: eating disorders, aggression, low academic performance, depression and positive outcome such as high academic achievement, self esteem. The problem being addressed in this study is to investigate the relationship between parenting style and creativity level of Iranian preschool children live in Malaysia. early education and children outcomes 2005 nfluences of parents education on their childrens educational attainments: the role of parent and child perceptions   Purpose of study The major purpose of this study is to explore relationship between parenting style [namely authoritative, authoritarian and permissive] and creativity among preschool children. The second purpose of study is that provides information to parents on the effects of their styles on creativity and their childrens performance in creativity. It provides information about the creativity level of Iranian preschool children as well as provides information about parenting style in Iranian students. There are some reasons to show this study is useful : first reason is that recently there is more focus on child development than before and that parents must be more educated about their parenting styles .Second reason is that the researches show lack of awareness of parents about parenting styles they choose which has direct influence on the child outcomes .For the third reason, the findings will help professionals and educators in early childhood area to design suitable programs to parents in order to enhance their knowledge about parenting and parenting styles . Research questions The research questions for this study are as follows: Is there any relationship between authoritative Iranian parents and their child creativity? Is there any relationship between authoritarian Iranian parents and their child creativity? Is there any relationship between permissive Iranian parents and their child creativity? Limitation of study In this study only Iranian parents in Malaysia will be used as sample since I am Iranian and my concern is to inform the Iranian parents how their parenting style will influence their children creativity. The second limitation is the questionnaire is in English language. Third, this study is carry out in public Iranian preschool. Operational definitions The following concepts were nominally defined for this study: Parenting style: Parenting is a complicated set of activities which involves much particular behaviour that work independently and collectively to affect child outcomes. Parenting has such a significant role in childs life that determines the nature of children s following life and even their future parenting styles. (GearyFlinn, 2001; Keller, 2001). Darling and Steinberg (1993) define a parenting style as the emotional climate in which parents raise their children. Darling and Steinberg defined parenting style as: A constellation of attitudes toward the child that are communicated to the child and that taken together, create an emotional climate in which the parents behaviors are expressed. These behaviors include both the specific, goal-directed behaviors through which parents perform their paternal duties and non-goal-directed parental behaviors, such as gestures, changes in tone of voice, or the spontaneous expression of emotion.(DarlingStenberg,1993,p.3). Diana Baumrind conducted an interview with parents of preschool children and observed the interaction between parents and children and based on the result she believed that parenting styles have two important dimensions (Baumrind,1971,1978,1989). The first one wasparental responsiveness and the second one was parental demandigness. Parental responsiveness refers to parents consideration on childs needs. Parental demandiingness refers to the demands which are made by parents on their children to become unified into the family and the society. She described parenting style in three categories: authoritarian, authoritative and permissive . Authoritarian parenting style: Authoritarian parenting style is described with high demandingness but low responsiveness. Authoritarian parents do not express ideas or reasons behind their rules for their children and children have to follow the rules unconditionally. Attitude of these parents is that the child must do whatever they say. The authoritarian parents communicate less with their children and they use punishment if the children do not accept the rules. Authoritative parenting style: Authoritative parenting style is the most appropriate method with the best outcomes .Parents have moderate demanding and moderate responsiveness. They have reasonable requests to child, they show love and affection, and they listen to childs views, they encourage children to be independent. Authoritative parents explain to the child the reasoning behind their rules and control. (Baumrind,1966) Permissive parenting style: Permissive parenting style is described with high responsiveness however low demandingness .Permissive parents tend to give more freedom to children and less control, guidance and punishment. The child can do whatever she or he wants unconditionally. children of permissive parents show traits such as low self-esteem and lack of independency. Creativity Several experts define creativity in many various ways and each researcher has his own definition on creativity and in highest number of definitions, creativity is making new thing, originality, unusual, unexpected, valuable etc.(preschool education book). Torrances definition of creativity (1974): A process of becoming sensitive to problems, deficiencies, gaps in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies, and so on; identifying the difficult; searching for solutions, making guesses or formulating hypotheses about the deficiencies; testing and retesting these hypotheses and possibly modifying and retesting them; and finally communicating the results (p.8). Preschool children Based on Malaysian curriculum, children between 4 to 6 is located under preschool Methodology This research is a quantitative study and the data will collate by questioners. Instrumentation: The instrument used in this study will be TCAM ( Torrance 1981) to measur creativity in preschool children and will also use a version of the parenting styles and Dimensions Questionnaire(PSDQ) (Robinson, Mandelco, Olsen, Hart, 2001) to collect data. Method analysing data is by the quantitative data analysis .Spss version 17 will be used in this study. Sample A total of 100 Iranian parents in Kuala Lumpur (50 females and 50 males) and 50 preschool children from Iran will be included in this study.